Wednesday, May 5, 2010

method part 1

i'm splitting my method up itno two separate posts, because i want to post pictures up, and if i do that as well as type, it will be too long for a single blog... so:

Materials and Equiment
- 6 pot plants (pereferably around the same size and the same species of plant, here I'm using Parsley; 6 as I'm doing the experiment twice)

- Salt

- Sugar

- Plain water

you can't really tell that this cup is half-full :S

- Measuring jug

you'll see another measuring jug in my other photos; they're essentially the same, it's just that this one is glass so i prefer to use the plastic one outdoors

- Ruler
forgot to take a picture :(, but i assume you can picture one
- Camera
i only have one camera, and i can't find my dad's and my brother won't let me use his, and i hate using my phone camera. so i can't get a picture of my camera.
- Teaspoon

or, in this case, i am using measuring spoons

by the way, im sorry if any of these pictures are out of focus- i took them in the morning when i wasn't really awake


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